Saturday, September 25, 2010

Went to my regular checkup today. I am measuring 2 weeks ahead of normal so I'm hoping for little Parker to be a big guy. The bigger he is the better for the surgery. Heard his little heartbeat, it sounded so strong and it breaks my heart. I know it might not make sense to anyone else but hearing his heart beat is the worst part of our appointments. It always makes me cry just knowing that its ok now but once he is born then it will no longer work like it should. It makes me wanna keep him inside of me forever just so he is safe.

The dr also told us today that she has a friend who is also a nurse in Joplin and she has a little boy that is 2 or 3 years old and has HLHS. She asked if it would be ok to give our phone number to her so that she could contact us about any questions or concerns that we may have for someone that has been down the road were getting ready to travel. I was so thrilled to know that there is someone else in our area that has been through the same thing and I cant wait for her to contact us.

Not really much more to update the appointment was very uneventful. We go back in 3 weeks and they will have information on the St. Louis hospital for us and let us know when we will be traveling up there.

Good Night

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